Monday, August 27, 2012

Hair Mousse

I didn't wash my hair last night even though it was all sweaty after soccer as I was rushing to go over to Ben's house for mojitos. As a consequence this morning I washed my hair and I usually then put in my hair mousse but today's process was disrupted.

Why was today different from other days? I guess it is appropriate that I forgot something that starts with the letter 'H' because today I went to Haifa. Rather I thought I was going to go to Haifa to pick up some research but I needed to confirm with this woman first that it was ok for me to come. Yesterday she wasn't contactable, so I was hoping today in the morning I would be able to get a hold of her.

Getting ready in the morning has it's standard rituals and today I guess it all got a bit interrupted as I didn't know what I was doing, the woman wasn't answering and it was all a bit frustrating but eventually she answered and then I had to get into gear to go to Haifa.

I loaded my iPhone with podcasts, checked the train timetable (of course I missed the first train I wanted to take) and I was on my way.

On the hospital website there was some drawing of some sort of transportation that goes up the mountain there and has a stop near the hospital. I set about finding this whatever it is, thinking it was some sort of above ground skyline contraption on the side of the mountain and preparing myself for amazing views of Haifa, even though I had never heard about Haifa having such an invention. As it turns out Haifa has an underground train instead... Who woulda thought? It's actually pretty cool and feels a bit European for some reason, maybe because the first station is called 'Paris Square' i.e. 'Kikar Paris'. Remembering when last I was on something similar by Como in Italy with Kate last year. 

So I'm in the station snapping photographs like a tourist. I get onto the train, sit down and I am the end of the carriage. I am opposite a door that has a mirror on it and for the first time after leaving my house that morning I see myself and notice my hair as being straight, messy and a bit straw like. I realized that since the morning routine was disrupted trying to phone this woman and then rushing to get the train, I skipped the hair mousse step. I tried to make the best of the situation and ruffled my hands through the rough to try and calm it all down.

I got to the place just in time before the woman went home at 1230, because that's a normal time to finish work. Then I wandered back down the mountain in my wondrous transportation discovery. I'm always surprised when  transportation actually works and gets you to where you actually need to go.

It would have been so much prettier to have had a funicular go up parallel to the Baha'i gardens, why didn't anyone think of that? I was however grateful for the efficiency of the whole set up. Thanks Haifa.

 I meandered back to the train station via sushi  the Haifa musuem of art, old 1926 apartments, street art and some random school of design which had their end of year projects on display. I was pleasantly surprised to find life, culture and a bit of art in Haifa.

One of the projects on display was a theoretical platform for the world to interact with Israelis via chat rooms to get to know Israelis better and accept them as they are... To familiarize them with the cultural norms and behavior and I guess tolerate it? One of the campaigns slogans was ' u say hutzpah - we say sassy'. It's gonna be the next big thing, I'm sure about it.

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